Where's my ball?

Today I was playing with my orange bouncy ball, when just look where Ann threw it........................ Into all the undergrowth that was full of nettles. Obviously she didn't mean to throw it into the undergrowth. It just happened. I searched and searched and searched but I couldn't find it.

Ann said, 'Trixie, don't worry about it. You've got loads more balls at home. Let's just go for a walk instead.' I didn't want to go for a walk instead. I wanted to find my ball, so I searched and searched and searched again.

Eventually after about 15mins I found my orange bouncy ball. Yay!

I carried on playing and after about 5 mins, guess what happened?................... I found a rather lovely tennis ball. It wasn't manky at all, but unfortunately my mouth isn't big enough to carry two balls. However, do you know what Ann said? She said, 'Trixie, you have been a very good little Collie pup looking after your toys this afternoon so I'm going to carry this rather lovely tennis ball home for you.' And she picked it up and put it into her pocket.

….............And when we got home I lay guarding it for a while and then I put my rather lovely tennis ball into my manky old balls box with all the other balls I have found.

I've got 25 balls in my manky old balls box now. Yay!!

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