Cactus Flowers

It was meal deliveries, lunch and then we went to visit Don.
He had phoned the other day to say that he had changed his mind about going to live with Mags (his daughter) so we thought we would go and try and find out what is going on in his head.
His main problem is he is desperately lonely and depressed.
So we had a cup of tea and a chat. He isn't worried about death but he is worried about the manner it may arrive.
SWMBO came to terms with her mortality years ago after her heart attack and doesn't hold back or try and avoid talking about death (as so many people do) and obviously I have seen a lot of death that arrived in so many ways and we have both looked after parents as they neared their end of life over protracted time scales so were able to empathize with his feelings and to a certain extent his thoughts.
When we got home SWMBO phoned Mags who is due to come up and take Don for a short holiday in the Lake District at the beginning of next week and then take him down to Derby for a week or two. 
She is now going to come up at the end of the week and is likely to 'kidnap' him and just keep him there .... he said himself that no doubt after a few days of having family around him may finally make him see that staying there is the only sensible option.

Todays pictures are of the display of Rhododendrons accross the road from Don's house, the cactus on his kitchen window sill and the cat who seems to think that our garden is there as a pathway to next doors' shed roof where she 'takes the sun'. 
There are other shots between the two links

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