The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Salcombe Harbour: finished at last!

Jigsaw by Gibson games, artwork by marine artist Terry Harrison. CleanSteve and I had been doing this puzzle for a perceived eternity. I'd made a concerted effort yesterday, and asked CS if he could finish it today, so we could start s new one. By the time I got home, it was done! There's one piece missing from the middle. Keen followers may notice that I blipped a section of this puzzle about a week ago.

Work was mostly indoor-based. Colleague and I did go on a home visit, though. Then we returned to the office for some more phoning. As I was thinking about leaving, the phone rang. I answered it and half an hour later, I was still there. That's how it goes.

I walked to Tesco's for some flowers, then took the path known as The Long Ground, by the river, to near my friend AK's house, at Cainscross. We had supper together, and only when I realised that it was nearly 9 pm did I scurry back home along the canal.

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