Not the Enterprise

I could not find out what the floor tilers mosaic represents.
Being a Trekkie I thought at first it's the USS Enterprise, but now that I look at it on the screen I seem to be wrong. What do you think?

These are the true colours of the mosaik on the path to the main entrance of the HwK Trier. There were many more on the path, but I had no chance to blip another one - we were just in time for our meeting and I did not want to be left behind. And so it was the only blip taken today.

Will now eat something cooked - wish me luck. I'm tired of porridge and tea. Thought I'd better wait with the experiment until I'm home from the afternoon business meeting in Trier.

Edit: It's the hand of a robot! See here if you like (and I was wrong with the floor tilers, but I will just leave it that way now). More about the project here (topic: hands).

19:15; 20°C

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