
By stujphoto


I was in the middle of scanning some old photos for a friend this afternoon when I realised I had not done my blip. I went in the kitchen to find my wife re-arranging some tulips which we had bought earlier, some of which were well passed their sell-by-date and shedding their petals. Oh, I thought, perhaps I could do something with that. I already had the title in my mind 'unfolding'. It is not often we get this sideways cross-sectional view of a flower. Could be interesting ? What do you think ?

I was amazed to read in Hjarald's blip yesterday that the tulip fields in Holland are not yet in bloom and they have had to import tulips from South Africa for their annual tulip festivals. For some of us the inclement weather has been a depressing inconvenience for others , it seems, it has badly effected their livelihood.

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