Ball pit boy

I popped to see DN2 and Jasper while Mr W took Bella to stupid fat club (she hasn't lost any more weight but also hasn't gained any but he won't stop going until she's reached 'their' ideal weight).

I had my new camera delivered to DN2 so needed to go and collect it.

Jasper was having fun in his ball pit. He looks like he's in a bubbling bath they way they all move about.

Bella was then dropped to me for a bit before we walked back to the cabin together.

The camera seems good and sturdy and it is capturing videos well but the close ups are very blurry compared to the last camera. Iv tried different settings but just seems this one might be more suited to distant photography. I guess I have enough videos of squirrels eating!! Im really keen to try and see what's living under our decking outside the cabin as there is an animal trail and Bella goes charging round there every morning!!

I had a quiet evening today myself while Mr W went to squash then the cinema with his daughter.

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