On Golden Pond

I spent most of the day trying to finish my leaflet round. 18 000 steps and 450 letter boxes later I ran out with about 100 houses to go. Aware the yard was going to be closed for the Bank holiday and the fact I had to have them all done by Monday meant I had to call the yard and arrange to pick up 100 more before they closed for the day. Annoying as I was knackered!!!

I then met Mw W and his daughter and granddaughter in a local pub. He was with them and insisted I join them. The last thing I wanted to do all sweaty and tired but I did and he was pleased I was able to join him.The cider was quite refreshing too!!!!

I then made a spag bol in the slow cooker and took Bella for a walk round the pond at the cabin. The sun was setting and it looked just beautiful. Bit like a mirror!

We watched the Queen documentary showing unseen footage of her early life and spoken by just Her Majesty. They looked a very happy family in the early years. 

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