Slowish start as I woke up with a horrid cough but I as ok once I got going. Had a productive day , mainly at home. Decided it was worth moving back into the sitting room for a week so that I could use the sofa and TV. Cleaned off all the manufacturers stickers on the new windows, cleaned windows, switches, floor rtc and then connected Tv and sky box up again. To my amazement it worked first time - I am notoriously bad at that sort of thing. As I was on a roll I cleaned the stickers off all the other new windows- 8 more . It’s a lot easier since I acquired the correct cleaner. Popped into town and then went to three decorators shops in search of boiled linseed oil. Apparently there’s been a ton n on it but I found some eventually. DF phoned for a chat and to ask me when next book group is. Photo is a cheat as this is E her grand- daughter. Very cute!

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