My Best Efforts - Year 3


Deep in the Heart of........

...............Texas? - NO, not until tomorrow ! Instead I offer you "Deep in the heart of a Tulip"! The sun was bright enough this morning for the Tulips in the garden to open up quite early - they look lovely in amongst the Primulas and mini Daffodils. Looking at this image, it does look a bit menacing but shows much more detail than perhaps we see when we look at them with the naked eye.

Well, come 1.0pm, we begin our long journey to the U.S.of A, via an overnight stop in London - we had thought of driving into the centre of the City but then realised it was the day of the Marathon so quickly (and wisely) changed our plans - so where we shall end up is anyones guess! There will be few comments or replies for a couple of weeks but will try to catch up on our return. Will be Blipping whilst away providing I can of course - down to there being a signal!

Weather very bright and sunny but very chilly - temperature at 8.deg. C. Enjoy your day.

Click lower case "L" to enlarge if you wish.

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