Peaceful scene.

This was the peaceful scene just yards from where we are staying. It was quite late into the evening, and still there were people swimming!

Went to take the children on a narrow gauge railway trip this morning. On the way there was a torrential rain storm, the car park was awash. We decided this was a trip for parents, not Grandparents! We were going to have a browse in Wells, but it really was too miserable, so we headed home.

On the way home we came across 5 tiny ducklings, they must have only been 1 or 2 days old. They were wandering all over a busy road, we couldn't leave them to be squished. So, we got out of our car, stopped the traffic and tried to herd them into the verge, but there were no gaps. All this time there was traffic building up both ways! Another driver got out of. her car and between us we managed to capture them. Poor little things were calling and calling for their Mother. We carried them about half a mile down the road and released them near a bridge into the stream. I doubt they will survive, but at least they weren't run over.

The afternoon has been lovely and sunny, I spent most oof it crafting with Emmeline, we made fairies from a craft kit. If I remember, I will photograph them tomorrow.

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