Day 108: Management Training Day 2

Management training continues today.

Another day filled with analysis of management styles and employee development levels.
At one point in the day we all took part in a role playing exercise involving a manager who had to act in a particular style and an employee acting at a particular development level.

My role was the employee who had been disheartened.
I treated this exercise with exactly the amount of respect it deserved.
In 7 conversations with managers performing various management styles, in my role I quit, I insulted my bosses family, I claimed that my staff were figments of their imagination, I claimed that my staff were out to get me, I claimed that my staff were a really talking dogs and found it difficult to talk to anyone but me.

Suffice to say the other people on my course doing this exercise were taking it a bit more seriously than me.

My flight home was once again on a toy plane which was ridiculously bumpy.
I have decided to take tomorrow off to make up for all this time away from home.
Cannae wait!

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