Day 6 Ballater to Aviemore

Day 6 Ballater to Aviemore via the Cairngorms. 53 miles today but 4000ft of climbing was the real story. We rode up mountains- well i walked a couple of times! Absolutely beautiful scenery all day with warm sunshine until one very heavy shower near the end with roads flooded and claps of thunder.  Thankfully it was short and sharp and soon dried up. Two massive climbs took us the first 16 miles up to the Lecht ski centre at 2090ft. A very fast descent took us to Tomintoul for lunch, then one more big climb and the last 20 miles were mostly flat with a fantadtic tea stop at Grantown East at repurpised old rail carriges for the biggest scones ever and gallons of tea. Then we followed the Spey to Aviemore. A fantastic ride!

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