Trying To Duck Out Of The Issue

Today's image was taken on a very short micro trip back to The Friars (our local Carmelite Priory). I was actually trying to take shots of some extremely cute Canada geese goslings which were congregating by the duck pond in the grounds with their somewhat agitated parents but they were moving far too quickly for me and my camera was on the wrong setting so I failed miserably.
There was another gentleman taking some photographs with what looked like a much more appropriate lens and we both laughed over the fact that we were trying to get images of these fluffy little creatures. Mine were nearly all out of focus but he suggested with a wink that I called them "intentionally blurred". I've decided not to inflict these on you 
This shot is of a much more slowly moving Muscovy duck. It has black and white plumage and a crimson beak so I have done it a bit of disservice by giving you the black and white option but the colour version just didn't do it for me. Again I was having trouble getting him/her into the frame despite it being almost stationary (!), hence today's title. I particularly like that he/she has what looks like a rather spectacular brylcreamed quiff!

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