Hanging Around With A Renowned Photographer

....well I couldn't find one so I had to make do with my brother striking this pose in front of our washing line! :-) Only joking bruv! 
It was quite a grey start to the day when we went for another short run - a slightly less lopsided one for my brother, his bad back seeming to be easing off. As it was my brother's first day of his Jubilee holiday (he's added a couple of days next week so he has nearly a whole week off) we decided on having a quiet and restful day.
We ventured back to The Fields for a pint just as the sun broke through and a lovely warm breeze wafted past as we sat out in the pub garden. Glorious weather and a relaxing pint. Heaven!
When we got back it was time for a a glass of wine (o.k maybe more than one!) whilst we watched a programme called Britain's Beautiful Rivers on More 4. It's presented by Richard Hammond, who I find a much more engaging presence on his own than with his cohorts on Top Gear and The Grand Tour, and is a lovely calming watch with all that wonderful scenery.
It was then time for a cream tea at the top of the garden (the extra is my attempt at a food magazine shot) - fruit scones (not homemade as mine always turn out like biscuits) with raspberry jam, extra thick double cream, fresh strawberries and tea in fancy china cups. Delicious!
What a great start to the long weekend!

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