
A morning of tidying and being decoration putter upper before our guests arrived for an afternoon/evening of celebrating. J & S, our long term friends and holiday buddies, with their 3 sons and partners (minus one who was elsewhere) ~ their eldest being Sims friend from reception class and of course our lovely lot.

I had the Trooping of Colour on whilst I was working around and I chanced standing outside the house once the flypast was happening in the hope that some may pass over.  Not knowing exactly where they would come from, I just managed to catch the second Hercules as they went over a little further down the drive and then the next two flew right over my head (not sure what they were) and I heard some more but I think they flew over Richmond Park.

Lots of lovely food, drink and chat with a couple of games thrown in.  Our guests departed around 8.30ish and my lot, who are all staying over,  continued with the festivities and played a few more games.

Congratulations Ma’am.

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