And then there was one.....

A cool ,misty start coming in off the East coast this morning.
Everybody up the hill cutting more hill lambs so I got stuck in to building up more of the shearing shed . By tonight it was more or less finished. Only the wool rolling table to build up,sawdust to be delivered,and we are ready to go.
Littlemiss hosting a jubilee/ belated birthday party this afternoon. 14 noisy 17 year-old girls,plenty of noise and a good time had by all. I kept well out the road until they all went home !
There were 2 jubilee cup cakes left on the kitchen table,but some hairy ratbag terrier decided to join in the celebrations and when Mrs F went back through to the kitchen there was only this cake and a trail of crumbs to the back door.
Greedy little F..

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