It’s a beautiful day
It was so windy when we woke we had to
Leave the windows on latch.. you’d never know that when you get to the allotment. It’s surrounded by trees and while we could hear it shaking the trees it was like a little oven in there with not a hint of a breeze
I planted a border of flowers and Si cleared about a tonne of grass from Under the fruit trees
I think the council will stop us using the dump soon because that was five bags today and five yesterday.
Do you know there is a boat at the dump? Apparently the owner didn’t want to
Pay his fees at the marina and anchored it offshore. In the storms and the high winds it broke free and washed ashore.
It sat on the beach for six Months and the owner was given warning …. And now it’s sitting behind the recycling skips awaiting breaking up! I asked the council man what was inside it…. And he said
‘Do You think something like that would lay on the shore for six months and have anything left ‘
I also did make up prep on my face…… see extra. I’m still scraping it off. Sitting in the sun with peel off mask dried it hard
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