When the sunlight hit my eyes

Following on from my blip of yesterday, I do not know what came over me today.   

Himself did say last night, "if I wake early in th e morning, I'm going to go up to the Allotment and get some work done in the early".    I looked at him and fell asleep.

True to his work, at 6.50 he clambered out of bed and washed, and got dressed     I lay there and thought, do I?  do ? 

I said "give me five minutes to get up".     He told me to go back to sleep and he'd come back to the house to get me. 

I just go up.  Yes, Saturday morning, i was up at 7am. getting dressed and heading to the allotment.   We were there by 730, drank our coffee quietly, and then got started. 

This was today's job, (main job)     we were laying plastic down, and Si was making holes with a home make burning tool. I was very impressed.  Look at the regularity of those holes.   Tomorrow these holes will be full of sweet corn.

I weeded my front facing borders and planted my much anticipated sun flowers.   I really hope they are good this year, I've  had so many people say to me "Oh we love your sunflowers, we always take so many photos of them

After two and a h alf hours - we headed home, and by 12 we were down for the shopping too. 

I took a run out to a new Cheesecake shop to purchase a treat for tea, and then I finally sat down  at 4 pm and snoozed in the garden for an hour.

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