Perfect peony

Breakfast in the garden this morning, took a few shots, including this pristine peony, before the wind and rain get to it! I was waiting for youngest & Dil to call en route to stay with their friends in Brum….. reason being they had a new shower cubicle fitted yesterday. When finished the chap said be best if you don’t use it for a couple of days lol!

Once they were all done we left at the same time, I was heading to see daughter, Em & partner S before they head to our timeshare in Tenerife. I did stop off to pick up a coffee on my way.

We spent a lovely few hours catching up, saw Ems dad L too, then the 3 of went to the pub for a late tea, just one drink ;-)

Think it’s going to be an emotional trip for daughter, walking in her dads footsteps and meeting all the people over there that are our friends xx

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