
By KathyH58

June 4

After my last stop today I was on my way back to the highway when I spotted these cattle beside the road. I pulled into the driveway so I could get a photo. Then I realized there is a calf between them. That is quite the impressive set of horns on these two.
The first stop today was at a native plant sale. A couple of clients wanted me to pick up some milkweed for their gardens plus I wanted a couple more for other gardens. There was no way I could carry 9 of them on the almost 10 minute walk back to the truck. I asked one of the volunteers if there was anyone to help carry plants, so she carried one tray for me.
Second stop was Miners Marsh, lots of bird song but they were hiding in the trees. A rose breasted grosbeak, alder flycatcher and eastern wood peewee could be heard, but I could not see them. A couple of other people did see the grosbeak. I did see the wood duck mama with 8 babies, a Canada goose family and a mallard family.
Next stops were a couple of nurseries to pick up more plants for jobs.
I also stopped at a park in Kentville where there are a lot of rhododendrons and azaleas growing.
Last stop was another nursery to pick up a replacement tree. One that I planted last fall is not showing any new growth. It is under warranty so I did not have to pay extra for it. She told me to plant the other tree somewhere, give it lots of water and some fertilizer. If I wasn't planning to move within the next couple of years, I would plant it here and take care of it. I am wondering whose property I could use for plant sitting.
Home by 5 pm and I even unloaded the truck tonight. I have another busy day tomorrow.

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