My beautiful boy at 6 weeks old. SIX WEEKS, how on earth did that happen?! He has turned into such a smiley little thing, he actually has trouble feeding sometimes because he is just staring up at me smiling away. Quite a contrast from serious Amelie!

A slow start to the day. In between feeding Isaac I was trying to get as much done as possible. I did the ironing, had a shower, put a wash on, hung a wash up and expressed some milk. I managed breakfast in bed whilst feeding and then lunch in bed too whilst feeding, not bad!

Amelie earned a sticker for her new reward chart by not having any tantrums this morning and playing nicely.

After lunch we headed out for a bit of fresh air. We took Amelie to the park in the next street. She had a great time and declared this ''the best day ever''.

Isaac is still asleep in the wrap, Amelie is playing nicely with her hundreds of imaginary friends and Chris is watching the F1.

Not a bad Sunday at all!

I also managed to back blip the past couple of days!

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