It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


My boss has asked if I do prints of flowers. He sent me a picture of a shop layout and thought of me. I replied "Of course I can" So to cut a long story short I am finding and printing flower images in portrait layout for him then I am printing them. I have not used my lovely printer in over six months! So I was extremely worried I may have left it too long. 
So far I have printed out two and its flagging up my cartridges need replacing! Bugger
That's £250 for a new set! Oh well
So this is a peony I took today in my studio with the Z7ii
I need five like this in portrait layout and same style just different flowers.
Weather crap but only 1 week of work and me and the Gal are off to stay with my Mum for a week.

Found out from 27th June We can go on nights for a month as the big store move around thanks to government idiocy.


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