
By Valerie1940

Stayed indoors - knitting and TV

The forecast was not good for today so the Jubilee picnic in the Community Garden was cancelled. (It didn't rain, actually)
So I was able to watch the Jubilee Pageant from London on TV with a clear conscience .
It was wonderful - such imagination, colour and obvious enjoyment by all - and it didn't rain!
Not to waste time I did my knitting while watching - the jumper I started a while back, knitted in the round, is now joined together body and sleeves so I am doing the yoke. Only plain knitting so I can knit and watch. 
The Queen wasn’t present but she was not expected as she is getting rather frail - several other members of the Royal family were there including the younger children who greatly enjoyed it all.
At about 4.30 the Royal Standard was raised over the palace and, sure enough, the Queen appeared on the balcony at the end of the pageant - much to the delight of the vast crowd.
A fitting end to the four days of celebrations. 70 years reign (so far) - a Platinum Jubilee - never seen before and probably never will be again.

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