O'r galon

O'r galon ~ From the heart

“The practice of meditation allows us to experience the depth of our heart. We discover that our basic being contains gentleness, kindness, and softness. There is a need for such gentleness throughout life. It allows us to be kind to ourselves and to relate openly with others.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Tra roedd Nor'dzin yn cael ei sgan, crwydrais i o gwmpas tir yr ysbyty. Maen nhw'n wedi dod yn fwy diddorol dros y blynyddoedd gyda lleoed i ymlacio mewn amgylchedd dymunol, leoedd i helpu'r calon yn ysbrydol ac yn ogystal â yn mecanyddol. Rhaid i ni aros nawr am y canlyniadau. Rydw i'n teimlo eithaf optimistaidd. Nid jyst oherwydd y gofal a'r sylw o'r meddygion ond hefyd yr agwedd Nor'dzin. Mae hi'n cario ymlaen gyda brwdfrydedd di-baid am bywyd. Mae calon cryf gyda hi - yn ysbrydol ac yn ogystal â yn mecanyddol.

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While Nor'dzin was having her scan, I wandered around the hospital grounds. They have become more interesting over the years with places to relax in pleasant surroundings, places to help the heart spiritually as well as mechanically. We must wait now for the results. I'm feeling pretty optimistic. Not just because of the care and attention of the doctors but also Nor'dzin's attitude. She carries on with a relentless enthusiasm for life. She has a strong heart - both spiritually as well as mechanically.

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