Good night!!

Matty was great in the night. He woke at 4.45am so I brought him into bed with me where he settled back off to sleep until 6.45. He then woke up and looked happily surprised to see me in bed with him instead of his mummy!!!

We shared a weetabix and crumpets at 7am but come 9ish he looked tired again so we went to watch a bit of Cocomelon in bed. He was snuggled up in my arms with his hand on my face when I felt his hand slowly sliding off.... he'd fallen asleep again!!!!

He really is such a cuddle munch.

DN1 and Spencer arrived home at 10.30 after a wonderful time at their friends wedding. We had a nice chat before I left as they had a 1st Birthday party to get ready for. Apparently Matty cried after I'd gone!!! Bless him.

Once I got home we had to take Lady Linda home. She'd stayed with Mr W to help look after Bella while I was gone. I cooked her a roast dinner at her house and we went for a dog walk. Shes looking after Bella until Wednesday as we are away in Birmingham for a works do Tuesday/Wednesday. It will also be a nice break for me who does 95% of the dog care!!

Back home again and we started to watch the BGT live shows. I've missed them all week but I was desperate to make the most of being able to go to bed early so gave in at 9.30 and went to bed!!! Mr W thought there was a full moon as it was so light. There wasn't.... I told him we just weren't used to going to bed so early!!!!

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