
By Igor

The calm after the storm

I promised Anniemay that when I booked this hotel it would have a pool.  And here she is this morning, having a good old swim.  It’s a lovely day with not a cloud in the sky.  Unlike last night.

Yesterday we had dinner at one of the many tables looking out over the lake.   It’s a beautiful evening (see extra).

As we tuck in we notice some of the waiters pointing to the far side - they seem anxious.  The wind gets up and the water on our side is no longer calm.   The sky darkens (see extra).

The canopy above our head starts to vibrate and a waiter shouts “we need to move”.  He manages to do this quickly, calmly and in three languages.   We pick up our plates and drinks and run as fast as we can across the street and into the main restaurant, just as the storm hits.  It’s like a tempest.  Thunder, lightning and torrential rain.  Anniemay and I are unscathed - others are not so lucky.  

Outside we can hear sirens - ambulances and police cars, I guess.

A waiter comes over to us; “everything is good?”  I can tell by the inflexion on ‘good’ that it’s a question and not a statement.  "Everything is good”  I say.  We order dessert and by the time we finish, it’s all over.   We walk back to hotel through the damp but warm streets.

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