Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

All change?

I found out just before half term that my timetable was changing - normal at this time of year, as the Year 11s are doing their exams and won’t be returning to lessons. I didn’t realise, though, that the other science supply teacher had been ‘let go’. I guess I should be flattered that I’m the one they chose to keep but I’ve only been booked for the next two weeks, rather than what had become the usual whole half term, so I think I’ll soon be following her. Nature of the job but will still be very sad to leave.

Had a good day despite the uncertainty. This isn’t a great shot but it’s the stomata on the underside of a leaf (they’re like the pores in our skin, which let gases and water vapour in and out). This is actually the colour they were, aren’t they beautiful?

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