A great memento of the jubilee!

A friend sent me this drawing which I think is great. It is by an artist called Eleanor Tomlinson. I looked at her website which has some very nice drawings but could not actually find this one. Like many people, and various newspaper articles ,  I think one of the highlights of the Saturday night  concert was the opening sequence of the Queen with Paddington, very clever as was the amazing drones show too.
I did also find and watch the episode of Eastenders which had Charles and CamIlla taking part .

A busy day when I met a friend for a dog walk and introduced her to Home Park and the Golf Club Restaurant his welcomes dogs. She was amazed you could drive in and park, a best kept secret as so much quieter and nicer than the masses in the Bushy Park Cafe….where you can not take dogs. Libby loved having a swim in the Long Water( still on her long lead) in front of Hampton Court Palace!  The water is fortunately quite clean .

More strawberries picked at the allotment and they seem a bit bigger, maybe the rain in the last few days has helped. Some delivers to a friend who is not feeling too good.

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