At the National Theatre

Today I went to the National Theatre for the first time in about three years. 
An impulse decision after getting an email this morning I found they had a few tickets for this afternoons performance( presumably returns)  of the Corn is Green which I’ve  been wanting to see. I got there early and explored all of the three outdoor terraces..this is taken from the second floor terrace which is not marked on the is actually called the Bank of America Terrace..only a handful of people there and the planted beds could do with attention as rather overgrown and lots of weeds! I remember when it was freshly planted a few years ago it looked lovely as you walked across Waterloo Bridge.

Although from the outside the building still looks very stark it works well inside and you get good views from all seats.

The play was very good as per the reviews. I think it was filmed last week so no doubt it will be streamed to cinemas soon.

Rather a humid day but needed a jacket in the air con theatre and so crowded on the rush hour train home, I’m glad I don’t have to do that every day!

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