Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The index card in the DYICAD2022 challenge for today. New week, so new theme and for this week it's collage, found papers and acrylics. Not sure if 'found papers' means I need to find them somewhere else, or if I can find them among my own boxes of paper scraps... The prompt for today was 'pictogram', and what's better than a cup of tea? :). 
I had a really bad night with side-effects... stomach ace, nausea and back ache, and the never-ending head ache. I think I dosed off sometime around 2.30 in the morning. Thankfully this is my day off. Fingers crossed this night will be better, since I have a meeting tomorrow with a supervisor from the Employment Agency. I've just been taking it easy today. 
My friend is still in the hospital waiting for an op. She said she appreciated having contact with me over the day, via messenger, because she'd gone bonkers otherwise. That ment a lot. :) Hopefully she'll be operated during the night and can go home sometime tomorrow. Her sweet little dog is not happy when she's not at home, despite having the rest of the family there. Poor little one. 

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