
By KathyH58

June 9

My evergreen azalea is ready to burst into bloom. It will be a show stopper in a couple more days, it will be covered in hot pink blooms.
A shorter day today, we finished around 1:30 pm.  I had a chance to get some planters started for a couple of customers this afternoon before the rain started.
The forecast this morning was for rain starting around 2 pm, then they changed it to 4 pm. It was 4:05 when the first drops started to fall. It's been raining heavily since then. I guess I won't have to water things for a couple of days.
I wonder how the goldfish are doing in the rain barrels tonight. The landlord decided to put some fish in the rain barrels to see if they would eat the mosquito larva. He put a screen over the top too, but if the raccoons figure out there are goldfish in there, I don't think the screen will stop them, lol.

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