
By KathyH58

June 10

Peony season has begun.
It rained last night, lots of rain. Environment Canada said we had 66 mm. I slept thru most of it.  When it stopped early this morning it was like someone turned off the tap. When I left for work, the brook across the street was roaring. It cleared off nicely this morning just in time for work.
Ryan, the new guy I hired this week, seems to be a good worker. He wanted a gardening job, he didn't want to be doing hardscapes. Him and Joel get along and work well together.
This week I picked up 3 new jobs so far, and have 2 quotes that need to be completed and sent to the clients. There will likely be repeat business with one of the jobs and another one will be added to my bi-weekly rotation. I think that puts me up to 8 days out of every 10 that is committed to bi-weekly customers.
I have 2 more quotes booked for next week, but beyond that I may have to start turning people away until the fall.

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