Fresh and delicious.

Scottish strawberries, coming into season. Such a burst of taste and sweetness! This one from Allanhill, St. Andrews. Our (when young!) boys used to eat almost as many as they picked there.

Covid19 1:40 of the population ONS advise; Omicron BA.1 and newer variants BA.4 and BA.5. We know about that here now too, the battle finally lost after over 830 days. Watch this space.

Watched FOSROC Super 6 Sprint Series on TV this evening. Stirling County lost 24-21 to Watsonians; an interception try during sustained Stirling attack at 81 minutes when winning game, but trying to win the Series! High stakes rugby - phew. A great decider game. So Watsonians win game and Series. Super 6 Championship restarts in August.

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