Windy................. and more RANTINGS!!!

Hasn't it been windy today? The sun has been shining and the sky has been blue BUT when I went up Blackford Hill this morning it was sooooo windy that I could hardly stand up and my fur got all ruffled.

I've had two other longish walks today because at the weekend we are going to be travelling back to Cornwall, so I'll be spending a lot of time in the car.

Tomorrow we're going to be staying overnight with Ann's sister in the North Yorkshire Dales. Apparently the cows are out. And when the cows are out, they just wander about all over the place. Ann's not sure how I'd react to walking through a whole herd of cows because I've never done it before. She suspects I'd be scared but who knows? Anyway she has a plan................. I'm going on a long walk in the morning and then we're going to drive down to the Dales via the Al and stop off at Spittal Beach so that I can have a play with my ball. And then I won't need a long walk when I arrive though I'm hoping that the cows will move out the way if the humans want to walk me down to the pub in the evening.

On Sunday we're driving all the way from the North Yorkshire Dales to St Ives which is approximately 450 miles. Ann's dreading it. She's getting too old for that amount of driving in one day, but hey ho, we'll just take it easy and she's promised me we'll stop every 2/3 hours so that I can stretch my legs, have a wee and a drink of water. It will be worth it when we get there.

And now a teeny, weeny RANT!!!! We've not ranted for ages.................

My human has signed up for a month at St Ives Leisure Centre because since lock down she hasn't done any exercise and wants to regain a beach babe bod (not that she ever had one of those in the first place). She signed up at the end of May and paid £54.95 for a membership from the 13th June – 13 July. Her intention was to book up a whole month of fitness classes/swimming and then organise the rest of her life around getting a 'beach babe bod'. Mmmmmmm..................... best laid plans and all that. Once she signed up, she discovered that she could only book a week in advance. She found that pretty annoying but accepted it. However on Monday she tried to book a Pilates class & a swim but couldn't. Long story short.............. After phoning the St Ives Leisure Centre no., but being put through to a very lovely apologetic call centre worker (who knows where), she was told that she couldn't book any classes until her membership was 'activated' on Monday 13th June?????????? Seriously???!!! Now when my human goes onto the 'app' most of the classes that she wanted to do are already booked for next week. Grrrrrr........... Ann was hoping to use the Leisure Centre pretty much every day for a month. The fitness classes are £10 per class and a swim is £6 so £54.95 for a month sounded like a good deal. Now, all of a sudden, it doesn't seem like a good deal at all. What do you think Blippers?

OK RANT over.

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