
By scribbler

Magnetic poetry

The Catholics and the Anglicans are identical in their poverty of parking spaces. Today I was late and there were none.

Camera in hand, I hied myself to Powell's City of Books for some meditation in lieu of a church service. As I once wrote...
Mark this on my grave,
perhaps my only published line --
"Words and books, she loved."

Since then, this very poem has been published, but the last line remains apt.

Passing the Magnetic Poetry board, I couldn't resist pausing to record my thoughts of the morning--a challenge, given the paucity of words available. But I satisfied myself before moving on to other parts of the store.

mist worship
am blue
need chant & music
picture of him
shining friend from above
recall his light
here for asking
watch . see . sing
live moment
after . go be and do

I returned after many photos and much browsing to find that my little poem was still there!

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