Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — Friends

Tom & Joy have been our friends only since a little over a year ago. Somehow it feels like we've known them for years. Joy and I started our friendship as we were both enjoying some of the same posts on social media and realized we both have retirement homes in this coastal community. We also both have homes in SoCal. So one afternoon in the spring of 2021 we met for the first time at Schooners and our mutual friend Debi was part of that and within a couple evenings we all met again and included our husbands: Tom, Mike, and Mr. Fun.

Twenty-plus years ago Tom & Joy's son, Scott, graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He married Stacy and settled here in Cayucos. They are both educators and we enjoy being with them too.

When Tom & Joy's first grandbaby was born, Tom knew their visits to Cayucos were going to increase exponentially, so they purchased a home here about 8 years (I think) before we did. Their house is immediately in front of ours, down the hill from us, on Ocean Ave, which is the main road thru this little town.

Tom & Joy have just returned from 3 weeks in France. They are here currently because last night their oldest grandson, Shane, graduated from high school. Wednesday evening the younger grandson, Sy, graduated from 8th grade.

We carved out a moment in all of our Friday schedules for our evening meal at Sea Shanty. They walked and we walked to meet at the restaurant. It was good to be with them again. We have many things in common: they love the Lord, they love music (and go to lots of concerts), they love animals (their dog, Lucy, is a Prince Charles Spaniel and loves the beach), they are both retired (Joy was an RN and Tom was with IBM for the length of his career), they love to travel, and we all love to eat, and dining together is a wonderful way to build a friendship.

They are here for just a few days this time. We've been here for about 5 weeks and soon will be going to SoCal for a short visit. So, we'll meet-up in July when we are all here again. This little town is crazy fun during the summer holiday season. The parade and festivities on the 4th are Norman Rockwell-ish.

Have a good, good weekend.
From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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