Still wild (Day 2593)

My day started with a windy wander with Sigyn, then a trip to Tesco for the weekly shop. The third job of the morning was a visit to the horses to check them over. I arrived to find the electric fence which separates George and Red from Jeepers, and stops them from eating too much, was broken down. One of the posts was put of the ground and lying a fair way from the fence, and a few other posts were bent over. George had taken advantage of the break in the fence and was trying to hoover up as much grass as possible.
The ridiculously strong wind made sorting the fence more difficult than it should have been, but I eventually got it done. George was fairly reluctant to move back into his part of the field.
Back home to do household chores before another wander with Sigyn.
After lunch I got the van sorted out ready for tomorrow, and then had a little bit of time to tinker with quad.
Another trip to the horses finished off the afternoon, and nice to see the all of them where they should have been.
Looking forward to having my beautiful wife home tomorrow.

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