As I thought the other day, the clifftop cemetery is beginning to fill up with orchids and I was delighted to find a couple of bee orchids too. I'm sure there are / will be more but they're elusive little blighters and never seem to come up in the same place twice.

I had unhappy news about my friend who has had difficult mental health issues, especially during the pandemic. She had a bad stroke a couple of weeks ago and is in hospital making very slow progress. She was a non-stop talker and her speech centre has been badly affected which must be so frustrating for her, as well as her right side not working. Her brother contacted me yesterday. He'd come over from his home in California to help sort some things out and managed to get into her laptop and start getting in touch with people to let them know. I'm heading down to help finishing clearing Mum's house next weekend, so I'll be able to go and see her in hospital and I'm now trying to get a couple of albums of photos together to take as he says she's responding very well to pictures. 

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