Not too shabby!

Mr W left for Kendall today, taking Lady Linda to see her mum. He drives her car up leaving me ours.

Daughter Number 2 came over to Bella sit to allow me to go to my pottery class. I was dying to see how my lamp base had turned out after last week's glazing experiment. At 1st I couldn't find it on the "glazed items" shelf but to my surprise found it on the display shelves!! Thats where the tutors put their favourite pieces!!! Well chuffed. I'm pleased with the effect of the oxide glaze (green bits) but the white could have been a bit deeper. It maybe needed 2 coats but its all a learning experience and I love it. Everyone was really kind too.

We were asked of we wanted to have a throwing demonstration. Only 3 out of the 6 of us did, the others were busy with a sgraffito demonstration (scratching into underglaze to form a pattern).

The throwing demonstration made it look so easy but boy it wasn't!!! But it was great. It took me 4 balls of clay before I got the hang of it but in the end I think I formed a fairly decent bowl!! My aim was a dog bowl!!

I did also manage to pop 2 coats of underglaze on my plate and will do the sgraffito at home in my own time.

Back home to see DN2 and baby Jasper. Hes such a chunky monkey and just wants to stay all the time!!! He really is adorable.

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