Sofa Bunnies
Unwelcome early start. Work was long. I sent an email that may turn out to have been foolish, or a stroke of bold genius.
Very hot day, and we’re forecast 40 degrees plus by the end of the week. CarbBoy’s lessons are done for the year, but he went in this afternoon to have his teacher hear half of his oral exam prep. TallGirl and I popped in as well to buy materials to help solve the dove wars. My failure to keep up to date with blip means you’ve missed out on the dove wars.
We have a pair of collared doves who visit out two bird tables regularly. The male is very protective of the tables. Last year he saw off two wood pigeons (twice his size) and he regularly chases jays. Now we have a turtle dove who comes to the table too (endangered species, smaller than the collared dove) but the collared dove doesn’t care about any of that and hangs out in the tall tree above the bird table every evening waiting for the turtle dove so he can dive bomb him and chase him off.
So today we bought materials for two new bird tables in the hope that the turtle dove will be allowed to use one.
Later, in Mr B’s absence I had to make dinner, and now TallGirl and I are rewatching the West Wing again again. Also trying to resist the urge to send the very sarcastic email I have drafted to a senior person who signs NDAs every week without seeming to know that they are related to confidentiality. I will tone it down in the morning.
Meanwhile here’s some bunnies to make everyone happy.
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