Downs and ups
Painful day. I’ve had sore arms for a while now and today was finally the day for the physio appointment. Accordingly I stopped taking painkillers last night so the physio could get a true impression of what’s going on. Driving the 20 minutes there was therefore painful.
Imagine my joy to find out that the secretary should have mentioned on the phone that I needed a referral letter from my GP. That would have been hard anyway as I don’t have a GP but at least I would have been able to sleep last night.
The physio is going to try to bully a GP she knows into taking me on their list.
On the plus side, my fury propelled several very tricky contracts off my desk.
This morning I built bird tables and this evening TallGirl and I installed them. No customers yet.
Meanwhile, CarbBoy’s school has issued an amendment to exam regs for his exam on Thursday - they’re allowed to top up their water bottles during the exam. It’s forecast to be over 40 degrees. Let’s hope his room for the exam is north facing.
The ‘up’ at the end of the day was spotting that one of the hazel bushes has finally produced some nuts! Bet the squirrels have spotted them…
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