Tiny insect

Another super day, breezy but sunny and warm.

This morning as it was so nice I did two loads of washing, on the line, dried and ironed this evening!  Spoke to my friend and then went for a massage.  Came home and went to see K, sat in the garden with a cuppa.  Came home, had lunch and then sat in the garden for awhile and read my book. A and D came round and we went for a walk along the seawall and through the common.  Lovely walking and chatting to them. Popped in to see K on the way home, he is doing a long walk tomorrow with a group of walkers, don't envy him as I think it is going to be another hot day.  Had tea and watered the garden when I came home also took some photos for blip.  The extra is the blue tits nest, I opened the box to make sure they had flown, as a friend had a nasty experience when she opened hers as the youngsters where dead in the box.  Whether the parents were killed or frightened away she doesn't know.

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