Day 33 Santiago de Compostela
So that’s it, the last day of the Camino Francés and tonight I am in Santiago de Compostela, staying at the wonderfully comfortable and unpretentious Convento de San Francisco. It feels totally luxurious after staying in perfectly fine but basic Albergues and Pensions. Without any planning or messaging Shree, who I have walked with most, on and off since St Jean Pied de Port arrived at the same time in the Praza de Obradoiro. We both agreed that this is more about preparing for next thing, not about finishing. It reminded her of graduation Commencement; I like that analogy.
After a blissful swim in the hotel pool, and some sightseeing I went to the Pilgrims’ Mass in the Cathedral, around 800 pilgrims, with about 100 having to stand. To my astonishment the Botafumeiro (incense burner) was used to dramatic effect. It’s the largest censer in the world and involves a complex system of pulleys to make it swing from the central cupola into the side aisles. Eight chaps, tiraboleiros, make it move, and one of them grabs it as it slows down and makes it stop.
An incredible way to finish this Camino chapter.
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