Here we go
Premiére today at my old school, for our Beatles performance called "A day in the life", same as my blip-account by the way. We played for three different ongoing summer-courses, knitting, yoga and a course for "acquired brain damage" (injuries, accidents etc.), all in all around fifty people. They enjoyed the concert very much and we were also very pleased. Eva was reading her own poetry, inspired by some of The Beatles songs, I was playing and singing the actual songs. Eleven songs, eleven poems all together. We're going to make a proper home-recording soon, if you're interested I can send you a link, but the poetry will be in Swedish.
The extra could be called "Who's been nibbling at my Pancy?" We call it a Viol, a "Stepmother viol" According to my app, it's a Viola wittrockiana in latin. There's a single one in my lawn at the moment, I hope there will be more.
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