Tuesday: Canada Life

It’s actually remarkably tiring being with people all day.  It’s a relief to be able to close the hotel room door on all the human interaction.

Today was mainly about moving around from meeting to meeting.  A couple of our party left this evening so we’re somewhat reduced in number.  

After meetings and before dinner I went for a good long walk.  I was hard pressed to know what to post but, as I do love a bit of architecture. I thought I’d go with that.  This is the Canada Life building - it surprised me in its scale.  It reminded me of some of the imposing architecture you see in eastern European countries.  Because I found it hard to decide, I’ve added a few extras.

Dinner with a couple of colleagues this evening.  When I got there, they’d invited a British colleague who has worked for the EU for about 30 years.  Nothing to do with that but he was a total jerk.

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