Not As Planned

I finished the thing I started yesterday as a temper calmer.
It was going to get a lid but a missing bit of bark put paid to that idea.
It will be photographed in due course.

We got a phone call during the morning from Maggie to say that our intended lunch had to be cancelled as she was waiting on a doctor's visit for Don (who had changed his mind about staying in Derby and had been brought back to Edinburgh).
Disappointing but these things happen.
We still went for fuel as planned. Boy are driving standards going downhill rapidly. I am so glad I don't do as much driving as I used to.

After lunch I got a call from my brother-in-law .... could I do him a favour and collect a prescription for his mother who lives at the other side of Livingston and he lives on the other side of Penicuik. He had visited her yesterday and was in the middle of doing a huge gardening job (cutting his acres of grass).
I had time before having to get Squirrel to the dentist for a filling.
Well, I would have had time had it not been for more d*ckhead drivers, trying to find a parking space at the hospital (where the health centre is) the pharmacist not being able to find the patient using her name, address and date of birth (he eventually found her by just using her name - and lo & behold, there was her DOB and address). He couldn't find the prescription though. Over to the doctors ......... the prescription was on the system but they couldn't find the script. So it had to be reprinted and then the hunt for a doctor who was prepared to actually sign it. Back to the pharmacist (and wait in a queue) to hand it over.
By this time it was too late to wait so I was back home to phone the BIL to phone his mother to say there was a bit of a delay, collect Squirrel and get her to the dentist.
She was really good getting the tooth filled ... with no injection.
Then it was a case of dropping her off at home, going back to the hospital, waiting in a huge queue to collect the prescription and then go and drop it off. That is a couple that really should be in sheltered accommodation .... they are both in their mid 90's, she is almost blind and walks with 2 sticks - he has dementia and expects her to everything for him.

Believe it or not I also managed to do a wee spot of pond cleaning (to get rid of all the leaves) where I found 3 or 4 'creatures'. They looked like very small (no bigger than 15mm), light coloured fish. But I can't think how fish would appear in the pond.
I also got rid of a handful of Lilac 'suckers' (they are a nightmare) but there are loads more and my back was beginning to shout at me. The weeds in the gutter outside the house and the lack of Council workers doing their job to keep them clear got the better of me and I got the hoe out and removed them ..... they were causing any surface water to miss the drain and cause large puddles at the entrance to courtyard.
Half of that rubbish should not go in the garden refuse bin - but tough!.

The extras go with the lead shot to show how the clouds were changing.

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