Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Looking Back to look forward

Did you see the giant stalk of asparagus growing out of my desert spoon??

Went through my old (very old) scrapbook. Lots of music stuff in there, all from high school. Awards and achievements.

Answers to the question How old are you?

1. How much will you pay me for the answer?

2. I’m not sure, let me call my 25-year-old twin brother and ask.

3. Younger than I look.

4. I have no idea.

5. I’m ageless and timeless.

6. Are you flirting with me right now?

7. Well, I’ve tried adulthood, and I’m done with it!

8. I’m between 5 and 100!

9. I’ve been seen driving.

10. I’m 100 in elf time.

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