And did those feet...

... in ancient times
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

Day two and after a magnificent fruity breakfast brought to my room, Will and I ascended Wearyall Hill. We both walked barefoot to get the extras vibes, and yes, both of us trod in sheep's poo - could be worse. Wearyall is where Joseph of Arimathea is said to have come, maybe bringing his nephew the young Jesus. After  a long and tedious journey they rested on the hill and Joseph stuck in his staff and true to form up sprung a sacred thorn tree, A tree was here for literally thousands of years until 2010 when it was vandalised.  Fortunately there are cuttings from it in the Abbey  and every Christmas Day it flowers and a sprig is sent to the monarch. The hill is fabulous, a sinewy snaky thing winding down through the town and up towards the Tor. How amazing this must have looked when the Somerset Levels were all flooded and just these high points poking up.

After this we just had time to visit the springs again. I haven't said much about these but Glastonbury is also famous for its seven sacred springs - only two of which remain - the Chalice Well and the White Well.  We'd been several times already to wash ourselves and drink from the waters spouting out of taps on the roadside (you have to pay to go into the Chalice Well and the White Well is only open on certain times) - the Chalice well is full of iron and tastes very metallic, and the White Well is full of calcium and was silky and heavy to touch. The Chalice refers to the Holy Grail, said to be hidden under the Tor, along with King Arthur ..... I could go on (an on).
We arrived at about 11.45 and the White Well was not due to open until 1.30 but a gaggle of excited goddess were already gathering! We gazed (too many Gs) through the metal railing and saw a man within lighting candles. Will called out, any chance we could just pop in, my mum is over from Ireland and has to go back shortly.
Where is she? asked the man
Um, here I replied (obviously looking far too young to be his mum, or else I'd become invisible)
and he let us in! Just us. No photos were allowed so here's some info 
It was going to be used as a reservoir during Victorian times, then became a spa and now is full of serious vibes. Naked immersion is allowed but we didn't have time, the gaggle of goddesses were on their way in for a private encounter. 
My uncle had a calling here over 30 years ago; Will and I both reckoned we could easily be swayed! 
And thank you for the love for yesterday's sunset. 

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