Reed bunting

B was golfing today at Kirriemuir, so I drove down with him, then went on the the RSPB reserve at Loch of Kinnordy. There were lots of swifts and swallows flying on the far side of the loch, and fairly close to me looking out from the first hide was a reed bunting, singing its heart out.  In the swampy parts, there were lots of damselflies, which we never see in our home woods.  At the feeders in the woods, there were lots of tits - I saw blue, great and coal.  I watched a big bird flying at the far side of the loch, thinking that it could be a buzzard, but now when I look at the photos on the big screen of the computer, I can see it was an osprey.  The do fish there, so it's not really a surprise, but I was pleased all the same.

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