Oooooo it's Broadchurchday!

I kept Bella at home this morning (48hr rule) and she was still asleep when I took the others.
I managed to get home and make a coffee when school rang. Red had had a diarrhoea accident and needed to come home.

By the time I got him back (9.30?!) Bella was up, eating marmite toast fingers and watching last night's Karate Kid. My grand plans to go shopping/do Brownie stuff were thwarted but I DID enjoy Karate Kid :-D

I hauled myself off the sofa to meet ClareClare at Sajnsburys for a quick coffee before getting food. A now recovering Mum prepared tea while I fannied about on Candy Crush made a start in Brownie stuff. I also slayed the laundry beast that has built up due to the washing machine dealing with duvets and bed sheets all weekend!

Tea was lush and followed by Rainbows and Fat Club (3lb on again). I finished my Brownie stuff off and we got the children in bed in time for the start of Broadchurch. Wasn't it good?!

Last week we did similar and a plans were thwarted by a vomiting Smallest Boy. Tonight we made it to the end before Ally decided it was his turn. So much for watching something at 9 and going to bed at 10. Oh and I'm not taking any bets on when Princess will start. The bucket is by her bed ready...

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